A downloadable game for Android

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For Quest  2 &3/ Pico 4 (5.7 firmwave or above) only with handtracking. 

Girlfriend simulation for standalone VR,  fullbody handtracking mechanics.

Game under development for the support please go to the patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/nekuma

Paid version have all sex interactions.

Sex poses: -2/12 Sex Poses Free/Paid versions
New 0.75 version

MR Version

Old only on 0.3 version:
-PushUp minigame - pushups in real life. 

-Running mini-game collecting rings.

-Collecting jobs minigames 

New 0.6 Version(Doesn't have minigames right now):

  • Girlfriend Customization
  • Reworked 3d model
  • New Home
  • Girlfriend Routine AI actions
  • 16 hairstyles

  • 0.6 Version Daily Routine

    StatusIn development
    Rated 3.0 out of 5 stars
    (40 total ratings)
    Made withUnity
    TagsAdult, NSFW, Oculus Quest, pico, pico4, r18, Virtual Reality (VR)
    LinksPatreon, YouTube, Discord


    Download NowName your own price

    Click download now to get access to the following files:

    AFGirlfriend Quest 0.9 Free
    AFGirlfriend Pico 0.9 Free Version
    AFGirlfriendQuest HoyoGirlsVer0.80Free.apk 962 MB
    AFGirlfriendPico Ver0.80Free.apk 584 MB
    AFGirlfriendVR_MRTeyvatGirlsFreeVer0.75.apk Quest Version 735 MB
    AFGirlfriendVRTeyvatGirlsPICOVer0.75Free.apk For PICO 730 MB
    AFGirlfriendMixedRealityFree0.7.apk 441 MB
    AFGirlfriendQuest0.6 Free.apk 597 MB
    AFGirlfriendPico0.6 Free.apk 596 MB
    AFGQuestFree0.1ver.apk 976 MB
    AFGQuestFree0.3 Reuploaded
    AFGirlfriendQuest0.5Free.apk 472 MB
    AFGirlfriend Pico Free 0.5 Version
    AFGirlfriendPico0.6.apk 596 MB
    if you pay $1 USD or more
    AFGQuest Old Version 0.4.apk
    if you pay $1 USD or more
    AFGirlfriendQuest0.5.apk 472 MB
    if you pay $1 USD or more
    AFGirlfriend Pico 0.5 Version
    if you pay $1 USD or more
    AFGirlfriendMixedReality0.7.apk 440 MB
    if you pay $3 USD or more
    AFGirlfriendQuest0.6.apk 597 MB
    if you pay $3 USD or more
    AFGirlfriendVR_MRTeyvatGirls0.75.apk Quest Version 734 MB
    if you pay $5 USD or more
    AFGirlfriendVRTeyvatGirlsPICOVer0.75.apk for PICO 730 MB
    if you pay $5 USD or more
    AFGirlfriendQuest HoyoGirlsVer0.80.apk 958 MB
    if you pay $12 USD or more
    AFGirlfriendPico HoyoGirlsVer0.80.apk 584 MB
    if you pay $12 USD or more
    AFGirlfriend Quest 0.9
    if you pay $15 USD or more
    AFGirlfriend Pico 0.9 Version
    if you pay $15 USD or more

    Development log

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    Viewing most recent comments 1 to 40 of 92 · Next page · Last page

    is there futanari pov in this? all i want is a pair of boobs for my character


    The last Patreon update was november of last year. Read comments before buying.


    should have read more reviews before purchase...sideloaded on quest 3 and is not showing up on my headset. tried versions 0.9 and 0.8 with no luck will be asking for full refund it is completely unusable with quest 3.


    Thank you for this, you saved me.


    holy shid main model is a metaphorical shrimp. So I'm ghost fingering the menus trying to get it to work as my small little body that was given to me tried desperately to reach my arm length and I'm getting pissed because someone also decided to make the menu buttons as small and slippery as possible. please rip my arms off just so I can have floating hands it just works better.

    I didn't realize it FORCED you to use handtracking, pretty jenky.

    With pico4 ultra, the screen is stuck at loading ready to start, but from the comments, Quest and old Pico4 are able to start?

    Yowww love the game just like other vr games bro👍👍😋


    Hmmm I bought the winter bundle. But no access to the latest 0.9version. only free version link. Not sure why


    I paid $15 for my Quest3, but my Quest3 was installed and opened with no additional character options, unable to move, and the character still has no face. The installation version is 0. 9. The version of the headset is V71

    how do you even get the game to open on quest 2 i download it but idk how to run it 

    mobile station vr

    Some voice keeps asking if I want to buy cookies? Wtf 

    (1 edit)

    Is it playable without a vr headset ?

    my hands end up under the floor pico 4


    I tried using;

    AFGirlfriendQuest HoyoGirlsVer0.80Free.apk

    To see if it was worth buying, have a Quest 3 and when it gets in I can't move and the girl just appears nude with no head and I cannot do anything. None of the buttons seem to work and my character appears to just phase through floor.

    If I paid, is the 

    AFGirlfriendQuest HoyoGirlsVer0.80.apk

    just the same, don't want to drop money on something I can't try and it is just busted



    Hello there. I have a Quest 2, and had the same issue. I was so confused and there was no instruction on how to play. Fortunately I recently played the previous free versions of the game and some of them had instruction on how to play. Basically you need to disconnect your controllers. You have to play this game with hand tracking for it to work. Once I did that on that version the game seemed to work fine, but it still has a few issues. and as far as I know, how to move: you have to move in real life, but in this version, you don't need to move around as much. In this version, to open the menu, you need make a fist with one of your hands. and use the other hand to select you want. That's pretty much it. Let me know how it works for you!


    Noo, I don't wanna use the crap hand-tracking on my intentionally outdated Pico4


    how do i install on quest 3?


    There are Too Many different Downloads!  Which one is meant for Quest 2??

    Deleted 174 days ago
    (1 edit)

    Those dont work either.   I downloaded "AFGirlfriendQuest HoyoGirlsVer0.80Free.apk"  

    And its just as broken

    hello! Did you try turning off your controller tracking? The game uses hand tracking.

    How do I do that? I have a quest 2 

    same here!! First you disconnect your controllers. One way you could do that is by tapping your quest controllers together two times(be careful. Not too hard), and that should turn off your controllers (if not you can go to settings and enable that feature).  Yeah! Once you switch to hand tracking the game should be working.  For the version you have (Hoyogirlsver0.80) To open the menu(to edit the person, or change the background) make a fist with one of your hands, and the menu will be on the fist hand. Alr! lemme know how it goes!


    I bought the summer bundle, but it's not opening up the downloads for ver 0.75 even though I'm supposed to have access to the latest version

    How do you actually start the game on quest 2?  I customized my girl but nothing else is happening and I dont see any like start button or something,  Nothing else is interactable


    Press the editor button until it works if it doesn’t you’ll have to re install the game 

    (2 edits)

    What is the Editor button??
    All I see is Body size, Bust size, colorations and outfit changes

    What version are you doing?


    make an exe version

    My hands are stuck in the floor. How fix that? 

    How small can the breasts go? Completely flat?


    I had tried a recent free version app (AFGirlfriendQuestReworkFree) and saw some hope that the controls were improving on Quest and that it held potential. I purchased and tried the newest paid version (AFGirlfriendQuest0.6) only to find that once again it was unusable (as were older versions) due to unusable controls (only unresponsive hand/motion controls with seemingly no way to use the quest controllers).  I tried to look for a way to report the bug or contact the developer but only the Patreon page was listed and it is not possible to contact the developer there without paying additional amounts. So far I have not found a way to return the game as it is unusable. I see a previous user has complained that they have had to pay twice for the same game which I hope is not still an issue.

    For the developer, here is some feedback:

    1st priority: fix the controls and UI

    2nd priority: Add some sound

    3rd priority: improve your features for bug reporting and support

    4th priority: mixed reality sounds great, I have a quest 3, but there are much more basic aspects of the game that need to be fixed first.

    I'd be happy to write a more positive review when progress has been made on any of these issues. Right now it is extremely disappointing and just a waste of time and money.


    3 years since I bought access to this game originally, its been paid for twice because I bought it individually and in a bundle with another game, and to this day you still haven't fixed peoples access to newer versions who previously paid.

    go to your library by clicking the arrow next to your name and it should show you everything you've purchased with download links

    Yeah, I know how to download the stuff I purchased... The Issue is the stuff I used to have access to, versions several years old, have been deleted and access to the newest versions are locked behind another paywall, despite paying for it two separate times

    When I go to the download page from where I can see my purchases it shows all of the downloads, even the new versions and there's no additional paywall. Also, if you go to that page it shows your options to get access to what you paid for if you no longer have access for some reason (such as contacting itch support). I believe that this issue is not actually on the dev of the game but rather on itch.

    no its definitely on the dev, because ive contacted support numerous times about this issue and have always been told its up to the author to fix the issue, but i guess youll find out yourself when he updates the game and you lose access to your files like i have when he changes the price for the 8th time


    garbage and nothing in it works

    (1 edit) (+3)

    When installing the "AFGirlfriendQuest Rework Fixed" version via SideQuest, nothing happens.

    Installer supposedly finishes, but it doesn't show up in my app list, neither on SideQuest nor on my Quest 2.

    AFGQuestRework crash on quest3

    (1 edit) (+1)

    will there ever be a port for steamvr?


    please fix it instantly crashing on quest 3


    Is this game ever gonna get fixed for quest?

    probably, it was last updated 34 days ago meaning the developer hasn’t yet abandoned yet. I think he’s working on a fix

    also in the Game Page it says it’s still in development 

    I keep receiving this error when trying to download: https://itchio-mirror.cb031a832f44726753d6267436f3b414.r2.cloudflarestorage.com/...

    And receiving this when trying to download through the app: 

    "While queueing download: TypeError: Cannot read property 'build' of undefined"

    I extracted the file questrework version,  its in its apk version file. Sideloaded it to my quest 3 and its not showing up on my unknown resources. Its file size is around 500mb, is that good or correct?


    crashes as soon as  open

    (1 edit)

    Same, I hope they fix this


    I bought your bundle but that did not give me access to the paid version for Quest, please fix that.

    Have u checked ur emails, i did and found it

    Deleted 1 year ago

    Doesn't have Quest 3 to test right now

    also crashes on quest 2, fix ples


    Same on my Quest 2


    When will this be getting re-posted? Google Drive says it is against TOS so I cant download it

    where is the game program located?

    can you do a pico vr version?


    devs: is this still geting update or not. plz answear fastest you can thankyou

    the hands are glitchy for me, for example im stuck in a A pose position while the hands are being glitchy

    use hand traking

    tried to play the game of my quest 2,  couldn't do much with just the hand tracking, moving was impossible , once i could move (with the controller) the s scene was a nightmare to maneuver around, could you please make an option to play with controllers?

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